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We have a school uniform that we actively encourage pupils to wear as we believe our uniform adds to the ethos of the school assisting with good behaviour and fostering a strong feeling of belonging amongst the children. School uniform is worn by all the pupils and is welcomed by the majority of our parents.

It consists of:

  • Navy blue sweat shirt  (ones with school logo available from school uniform provider)
  • White shirt, polo shirt or blouse
  • Dark trousers or skirt (of a sensible length)
  • Sensible black shoes (not trainers)
  • PE kit – shorts, t shirt, socks and plimsolls’/trainers

Our school uniform provider is:

However, school uniform can also be purchased from alternative suppliers or retail outlets such as supermarkets.

Pupils can wear blue & white checked dresses in the summer term if prefered.

Occasionally children lose or misplace articles of clothing. Please help us to locate them easily by marking all garments clearly with their full name. Rucksacks, bags, lunch boxes etc. can all look very similar and should also be clearly marked for identification.

Pupils should not wear jewellery, particularly ear-rings, to school for health & safety reasons.  If studs must be worn, they must be restricted to the small “stud” or “sleeper” type and must be removed before any P.E. sessions. You are advised to have ears pierced at the beginning of the summer holiday.  Extreme haircuts and styles are not allowed (e.g. shaved heads, bright colours, Mohican’s or extensive use of styling gel).

All pupils go out to play during all breaks and it is therefore advisable to send them to school well wrapped up against the elements during the winter months and protected from the sun in the summer term.

No chewing gum, toys, mobile phones, personal stereos or game boys must be brought from home. If they are, they must be handed in to the office at the start of the day and collected at the end of the day. Possessions will be confiscated if they are not handed in.


Whilst we have a smart uniform sweatshirt for Hollywater pupils and students, it is also acceptable for FE (Post 16) students to wear their own choice of clothing, as long as they are sensibly and appropriately dressed.

Suggested clothing:

  • Trousers
  • Skirt
  • Slacks
  • Smart jeans
  • Smart shorts (not too short please)
  • Dress
  • Shirt
  • Blouse
  • Smart t shirt
  • Polo shirt
  • Sweatshirt
  • Cardigan
  • Jacket
  • Jumper/sweater
  • Smart trainers
  • Shoes
  • Sandals
  • Boots

Please do discuss any individual requirements with the Head Teacher.

Remember, no logos or emblems which would cause offence to others.

If in doubt, just ask!